IE Domain Registrierung hier!

Registrieren Sie Ihre .ie Domain bei uns

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Hier können Sie Ihre eigene .IE TLD Domain registrieren

Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Registrierungsformular nur in Englischer Sprache verfügbar ist. Der darauf folgende Bestellvorgang wird ebenfalls nur in Englischer Sprache bereitgestellt.

Der Weg zu Ihrer .ie Domain

  1. Ist Ihr ausgewählter Domain Name verfügbar?
  2. Haben Sie die notwendigen Dokumente?
  3. Domain Name Hosting organisieren
  4. Domainantrag einreichen

Prüfen Sie, ob Ihre IE Domain noch frei ist:

Sie können hier nur .ie domains prüfen, geben Sie den Domainnamen mit .ie ein. 


  1. Geben Sie den Domainnamenim Suchfeld ein, den Sie für Ihre Website verwenden möchten.
  2. Sie können uns Ihre registrierte Geschäftsnummer, Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer oder eine Fotokopie Ihres Passes oder Führerscheins für persönliche Domains als Fotos von Ihrem Smartphone senden.
  3. Wir sind Ihr Registrierungs-Service und wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Bewerbung für eine .ie Domain abzuschließen. Wir können Ihnen auch zusätzliche Dienstleistungen wie Hosting-Pakete E-Mail-Server und vieles mehr zur Verfügung stellen.
  4. Füllen Sie unser Bewerbungsformular unten aus, einschließlich der Unterlagen, die Ihre Verbindung mit Irland und Ihrem Anspruch auf den Domainnamen beweisen, und wir registrieren Ihre Domain für Sie.

Gratulation, Sie haben Ihren freien Domainnamen gefunden.

Füllen Sie nun bitte das untenstehende Formular aus und senden Sie uns alle Informationen zu. Wir werden so bald wie möglich Ihre Domain registrieren und sie mit E-Mail, FTP und allem was Sie für einen Internetauftritt benötigen verbinden. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit Ihren Kundendaten und Login-Codes zu Ihrem Administrationsbereich. Dann können Sie damit beginnen, Ihre Website zu bauen, oder wenn Sie wollen, können wir Ihre Website für ein angemessenes Budget umsetzen.

Nach dem Übermitteln des Bestellformulars werden Sie gleich zum Zahlungsvorgang weitergeleitet. Ohne eine Zahlung Ihrer Bestellung wird der Auftrag NICHT bearbeitet!

Domain Registration Form

General information

Checked in the form above
Your Emailaddress
Your Phone number Format: +CountryCode CityCode Number -> +353 1 4433071
If Trademark, Club, Society, School, College, Charity etc. - enter the name here!
Full registration instructions You can find at
Simply click on the option that best describes You, or what You want the domain for. Please be aware that we do accept photos of documents sent using Your smartphone. You can transmit them here or email to us, or to

Business type

Registered Company

Connection with Ireland
If Yes: You’ll need to ensure that you include your CRO or RBN number. Once we verify this, you won’t need to show us anything else.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll need to include proof of your connection with the island of Ireland (e.g. CRO, RBN or VAT number), along with your claim to the domain (explanation of why you want to register it / what it will be used for).

Self Employed

Connection with Ireland - showing your full name / personal account, with the financial details blanked out / showing an address in the island of Ireland. Confirming that you are registered for trading and working with clients in Ireland.
If No: You’ll need to ensure that you include your CRO number. Once we verify this, you won’t need to show us anything else.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
NOTE: If you are trading under your own full name, or just your surname, you can apply for the domain that matches this. You’ll just need to ensure that your connection with the island of Ireland and trading proof show your full name.
You’ll need to include proof of your connection with the island of Ireland (e.g. CRO, RBN or VAT number), along with your claim to the domain (explanation of why you want to register it / what it will be used for).

Business Partnership

Connection with Ireland - showing your full name / personal account, with the financial details blanked out / showing an address in the island of Ireland. Confirming that you are registered for trading and working with clients in Ireland.
If No: You’ll need to ensure that you include your CRO number. Once we verify this, you won’t need to show us anything else.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll need to include proof of your connection with the island of Ireland (e.g. CRO, RBN or VAT number), along with your claim to the domain (explanation of why you want to register it / what it will be used for).

Starting a Business

Connection with Ireland - showing your full name / personal account, with the financial details blanked out / showing an address in the island of Ireland.
*If you are showing your connection to the island of Ireland with a copy of an Irish bank statement, or an Irish driving license, you will not need to show us any extra ID. You’ll need to include proof that you live in Ireland (to show your connection with Ireland), your claim to the domain, along with your proof of identification.
You’ll also need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.

Myself type

Full registration instructions You can find at

My Own Name

We accept many combinations of your first, middle, surname or initials as options, but you cannot register just your first name only, last name only, or a nickname.

You can apply for your name in any of the following combinations: [first name / surname] [first name / middlename / surname] [first name / – / surname] [first name / – / middlename / – / surname] [first name / middle initial / surname] [first name / – / middle initial / – / surname] [first initial / surname] [first initial / middle initial / surname] [first initial / middle initial / – / surname] [first initial / – / surname] [first initial / – / middle initial / – / surname] [middlename / surname] [middlename / – / surname] [middle initial / surname] [middle initial / – / surname]

Connection with Ireland - showing your full name / personal account, with the financial details blanked out / showing an address in the island of Ireland.
NOTE: Politicians
If you are a serving politician, or running in an upcoming election, you are entitled to register a .ie domain reflecting either your own name, or a combination of your own name and the office you hold.
You’ll just need to provide a letter on your official party headed paper, confirming your name, and office held (or election you are running in). Alternatively, if you are running in an upcoming election, you can provide documentary evidence from the electoral register that you are running, and this will be sufficient to complete your registration.
You will need to provide either a copy of your passport, or drivers licence, or a recent utility bill.

Domain for blog or informational website

Connection with Ireland - showing your full name / personal account, with the financial details blanked out / showing an address in the island of Ireland.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You need to include proof of your connection with the island of Ireland (e.g. passport or driver’s license) and claim to the domain (explanation of why you want to register it / what it will be used for).

Trademark Domain

If you hold a registered trademark, this can be used to support some, or all, of our requirements.
If you hold a different trademark, you should still include this (trademark number and type). In this case, you’ll also need to show that you trade with clients in Ireland, by providing ONE of the listed.
If Yes: You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You should include your trademark number, or a copy of the trademark certificate.

Domain name for my club, society or band

To show proof of your connection with the island of Ireland, and the name of your club, society or band, you’ll need to include any ONE of the listed.
If Yes: You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You need to include a link to your social media page, or a letter on headed paper.

Domain name for school or college

To show proof of your connection to the island of Ireland, you should include either ONE of the listed. You can find this here:
If Yes: You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You will need to include your school's roll number or a letter on headed paper with your application.

Domain name for Statutory Body/Government Use

Includes State or Government Bodies, Agencies, and Departments (including Hospitals, Semi-State Bodies, Education and Training Boards and Local Authorities).
You should also explain what type of body you are.
You don’t need to include additional information showing your claim to the domain.

You’ll need to provide a letter on headed paper, showing the name and address of the body applying.

Domain name for a charity

To show proof of your connection to the island of Ireland, you should include either ONE of the listed. You can find this here:
If Yes: You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
NOTE: Waived Registration Fees
Some of our accredited .ie Registrars waive domain registration and renewal fees for registered Charities.
Please see here for further information on the Charity Policy, and a list of the participating Registrars.

You will need to include your proof of your charitable status with your application.

Others Type

Full registration instructions You can find at

Domain name for Overseas Business

If your business is not registered for trading in the island of Ireland, you may still be eligible to apply, if you can provide: Connection with Ireland. You’ll need to include proof of your real trading connection with Ireland, such as any ONE of the listed.
If Yes: You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
You’ll just need to include some information with your application explaining why you want this domain name.
Proof of Corporate Identity
You will need to include a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation / verifiable company registration number. To enable verification, please provide the URL for your country’s/national body company register website.

You will need to include your proof of your trading connection with the island of Ireland, your claim to the domain, along with proof of your corporate identity.

Domain name for Others

If you don’t fall under any of the above options, you may still be able to register a .ie domain.

Please submit this form including some information about who you are, who will be using the domain, and what it will be used for.

One of our registration services team will contact you within 1 working day to confirm if you are eligible to hold a .ie domain or not.

Thank You

Pricing information

With checking this Checkbox I hereby accept the Terms & Conditions, I understand, that this is a annual subscription and there is no Refund possible after Domain registration. There is no right to cancellation if the domain is registered. A refund before registration is possible but not for PayPal fee. Otherwise You have a 14 days cancellation period by law. You can claim this right by sending us an email to the email given in the order confirmation mail or by using our contact form.

Nach erfolgreichem Kaufprozess, erhalten Sie in der Bestätigungsemail die Emailadresse, an welche Sie die notwendigen Unterlagen senden müssen, sofern erforderlich.

Mit der endgültigen Bearbeitung Ihres Auftrags erhalten Sie ebenfalls eine Rechnung über den entrichteten Betrag.

Hitwatch Limited

Gegründet 2016 sind wir eine Allianz von IT-Pros, Designern und Konzeptern. Jahrelange Erfahrungen in allen Bereichen des On- und Offlinemarketings machen uns zu einem starken Partner.


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Hitwatch Ltd.
20B Beckett Way
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Tel. DE: +49 3362 5089860
Tel. IE: +353 (85) 1625313
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Product Name: .ie Domain Product Brand: Product Description: .ie TLD Domain - Ein Jahr Registrierungsgebühr inklusive ein Jahr Webhosting. Product Image: /wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ie-domain-1.png Product Price: €108 Price Currency: EUR Name Of The Seller: Hitwatch Ltd. Rating Value: 4.5 Total Reviews: 61 Reviews
Registrieren Sie Ihre .ie Domain bei uns - © 2017 by | published: March 31, 2017@10:27 pm | updated: May 2, 2018@8:51 am